The Widow
I found this book in a give-away pile at my friend’s cabin on BC’s Sunshine Coast, and had heard (possibly good) things about it, and if fit my current need for some light reading. Turns out it was a really enjoyable book.
The book embeds multiple mysteries, including who was behind the disappearance of a young toddler and what became of her, was the death of the prime suspect in the case an accident, and is the wife of the now-dead suspect delusional or manipulative. Each time you think you know the answer to any of these mysteries, you almost immediately start to doubt your instinct. It’s a very well-written book, telling it’s story from the perspective of four main characters; the wife of the suspect in the abduction, the mother of the toddler, the reporter angling for a break-through story, and the detective who is loath to give up the case he never managed to solve.
Rating: Borrow it, and if you like to keep books then buy it.