Nerdy Friends Book Club – Month 7

Let’s get moving on the September stories, mostly because the first one is another long one, at 77 pages. It’s (hopefully) about a werewolf though, so I’m good with it! Oh, and don’t forget to add your comments to the Month 6 post!

The Compleat Werewolf, by Anthony Boucher. I had to google this (I know, sad…) but “compleat” is a valid, albeit archaic, spelling of the word “complete”. Perhaps this gives us a clue as to the setting of this story? An interesting tidbit about Anthony Boucher is that he was a friend and mentor to Philip K. Dick, of “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” fame (which became the movie Blade Runner). He wrote mystery, SciFi, and horror (horror! my pick for this story!), and he co-created The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. The Compleat Werewolf was written in 1942.

The Smile on the Face, by Nalo Hopkinson. Nalo Hopkinson was born in Jamaica in 1960 and so frankly is not that much older than me. Her stories often draw on Caribbean history, and I really hope this one does!!! She has received numerous nominations and awards for her speculative fiction, including being nominated for a Hugo in 2001, which is impressive considering it’s a significantly male-dominated award. Disappointingly, she lost to the now extremely problematic J. K. Rowling for Goblet of Fire.

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