Tuwanek BC – The Sunshine Coast – Saturday

Aug 18, 2018 – In which Risa manages to not ruin her pedicure for almost 6 whole hours

Today’s breakfast a la Donna was some kind of quiche-like egg cupcake on an english muffin with hollandaise sauce with orange juice and fruit with yogurt. Jeff booked us into back to back spa treatments this morning – him with a facial followed by me with a pedicure & foot massage. The “spa” is a cute little out-building down a short foot path.  We were encouraged to head down to the spa in the waffle robes provided for this purpose but it seemed weird to gear down to a bathrobe to traipse to the spa for a facial and a pedi. So I put on my bathing suit and added the robe over-top so that Donna wouldn’t be disappointed by my modesty.

We spent an okay-filled afternoon wandering around Sechelt. Sechelt is a small tourist town on the cost with beautiful views of the Strait of Georgia, and is strangely less nice and more boring than Gibons. Gibons is the offload town from the ferry, and is a town I quite like.

We went paddle boarding and kayaking in the afternoon (I decided to stick with the paddle board after yesterday’s unexpected success). I got more daring and did a large figure 8 around a couple of small islands just off the shore. Around the second island, we passed within about 30 feet of a large sea lion having a nap on some rocks. Actually, he wasn’t so much napping as keeping a keen eye on where we were going. I assured him that we were just passing by and he seemed satisfied by that, which he indicated by pretending to close  his eyes and not watch us anymore.

To unwind from the hard work of standing, we went in the hot tub, and it was while replacing the cover that I took a sideways step up the wooden stairs and accidentally kicked the underside of the step, gouging a large chip out of my 6-hour old pedicure.


Jeff went to the steam room after the hot tub. I joined him for as long as I could, which turns out to be exactly 3  minutes.

We ate dinner on the balcony and tried to watch the sunset. But the air is once again smoky from the fires, and the sun was just a big red ball that disappeared into the smoke as it was setting. While I’m on the topic, I hope everyone in Prince George stays safe.

Red sun at night, BC is on fire


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