Category Archives: Gardening

HOPS – A gnarled mess of cones and flowers

Once we head into July and August and the days start getting shorter, the hops respond by diverting their energy into reproductive growth. The bines finally slow down their insanely fast upward climb, and thank goodness for that, because as … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening | 1 Comment

HOPS – one month later

I know many (all) of you asked for an update when the hops start to flower, but I thought a one-month update would be interesting, given how fast they grow. Winning the speed-growing contest In the photos I posted one … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening | 2 Comments

HOPS – an engineering degree finally put to good use

How is the hops garden doing this year, you didn’t ask? Well, let me tell you! But first, I want to get out of the way a few of the questions you are bound to ask, as I’ve learned from … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening | 3 Comments